Maple, Wormy Wood Veneer-Finished
Species: Maple, Wormy
Species Characteristics: Also known as Ambrosia maple. Sapwood color ranges from nearly white, to an off-white cream color, sometimes with a reddish or golden hue. The heartwood tends to be a darker reddish brown. Grain is generally straight but may be wavy. So named for ambrosia fungi, which is found in association with ambrosia beetles. The beetles bore into the trunk of the tree, bringing with them the ambrosia fungi, which subsequently stains and discolors the surrounding wood. The discoloration can be very similar to spalted maple, though with ambrosia maple, the discoloration is centered around the boring paths of the beetles, and their entrance holes can usually be seen.
Size: 12×19 inches
Wood Species: With over 30 species and even more grades of wood available, select the species with the color and pattern you desire. Remember- no two trees are the same, so there will be variation in color and pattern. We have tried to provide a good representation of the species.
Uses and Advantages: It is cost effective and easy to use. Each sheet of our wood veneer comes with a 3M pressure sensitive adhesive already applied and is finished with a semi-gloss varnish. It is ready to adhere to any desired surface before or after cutting.
Specifications: Real wood, high quality, laser grade with a 20-mil paper back to provide stability.
Thickness: 1mm with variation of 0.2mm including adhesive.Â
Finish: Finished with a semi-gloss varnish for durability and ease of cleanup.Â
FSC Certified: Our suppliers practice sustainability. FSC Certified, American National Standard Legal Timber Due Diligence Certified. Environmental Policy: We will promote forest stewardship and be respectful to environmental concerns. We will control our wood sources to exclude illegally harvested wood and wood harvested in violation of traditional and civil rights. We will not source wood harvested where conservation values are threatened by management activities. We will not purchase wood harvested in forests which are being converted to plantations or non-forest use, or wood from forests in which genetically modified trees are planted.